
We are very grateful to our Old Girls, Boards of Trustees and Proprietors and friends of the school, in providing a range of scholarships which help assist our increasingly diverse school community or provide an avenue for students to follow a particular passion.

In recognising that our parent community work very hard to be able to send their daughters to Craighead, we constantly look for ways to support our families, through offering a selection of scholarships.


Our Scholarships are open to all enrolled students, but each scholarship has specific criteria. When you are ready to submit an application please select the first button under the ‘Useful Links’ list. 

The chart below shows categories of Academic, Activities, and Special Interest, together with the Year levels eligible to apply and their application closing dates:

Please select from these tabs to find full information on each Scholarship  ⇒
Board of Trustees Scholarships

These scholarships are to enable two students to benefit from the environment at Craighead by achieving to their potential in keeping with the School’s Mission Statement.

  • Two Terms’ Parent Contribution will be paid annually for three years.
  • There are two Scholarships available
  • Applicants must be currently in Year 8 entering Craighead the following year as a Year 9 Daygirl or a Boarder.
  • Applicants must be on the enrolled list for the following year.
  • Contribution to previous school in sport, culture and leadership will be taken into account, together with academic ability and qualities of character.
  • The scholarship is subject to the annual review of a recipient’s progress.
  • Church affiliation and financial need may also be taken into consideration. Parents should inform the Board where the latter is applicable by way of a covering letter.

The decision to award the scholarship is at the discretion of the Principal and will be made by the Principal, the Deputy Principals and the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.  The recipients will be advised and then announced on Inauguration Day.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 18 September 2024


The Rooney Scholarships

This scholarship is to enable 2 (two) Day students to enter Year 9 in support of families who may not be in a position to afford an education at Craighead without financial assistance.

  • 100% of School Fees for 3 years, excluding extras.
  • There are two scholarships available.
  • Applicants must be on the enrolled list for the following year as a Year 9 Daygirl.
  • The Scholarship will cease if the recipient ceases to be a Daygirl
  • The Scholarship is subject to annual reviews of the recipient’s progress.

The decision to award the Scholarship is at the discretion of the Principal, and will be made by the Principal, Miss Natalie Rooney and the Deputy Principals.  The recipient/s will be advised by the Principal.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 18 September 2024


Board of Proprietors Scholarship

This scholarship is to enable a student to study at Craighead, while benefiting from the environment of the Boarding House.


One Term’s Boarding House Fees will be paid annually for three years.

  • Applicants must be currently in Year 8 entering Craighead the following year as a Year 9 Boarder.
  • The Scholarship will cease if the recipient ceases to be a Boarder.
  • Applicants must be on the enrolled list for the following year.
  • Student’s contribution to previous school in sport, culture and leadership will be taken into account, together with academic ability and qualities of character.
  • The scholarship is subject to the annual review of a recipient’s progress.
  • Church affiliation and financial need may also be taken into consideration. Parents should inform the Board where the latter is applicable with a covering letter.

The decision to award the scholarship is at the discretion of the Principal and will be made by the Principal, the Deputy Principals and the Chairperson of the Board of Proprietors.  The recipient will be advised and then announced on Inauguration Day


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 18 September 2024


Old Girls' Association - Helen Judge Year 9 Academic Scholarships

This is a General Excellence scholarship awarded to a student entering Year 9 who shows ability in a number of school-related areas, including leadership potential. The student’s contribution to previous school will be taken into account, together with academic ability and qualities of character.


$1 000 ($500 pa for 2 years). Reviewable annually and contingent on the recipient continuing to meet the agreed standards.

  • Applicants must be on the enrolled list for the following year as a Year 9 student.
  • The Scholarship is subject to annual reviews of the recipient’s progress.

The decision to award the Scholarship will be made by the Principal and a panel of representatives from the Old Girls Association. The recipient will be announced the year prior to the Scholarship being taken up.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 18 September 2024


Old Girls' Association - Helen Judge Year 11 Academic Scholarships

To reward a Year 11 student who has already made a contribution to the life of the School and shown a commitment to taking responsibility for her own academic learning.


$1 500 ($500 pa for 3 years). Reviewable annually and contingent on the recipient continuing to meet the agreed standards.

  • Applicants must be on the enrolled list for the following year as a Year 11 student.
  • The Scholarship is subject to annual reviews of the recipient’s progress.

The decision to award the Scholarship will be made by the Principal and a panel of representatives from the Old Girls Association. The recipient will be announced at Prize-giving at the end of the year prior to the Scholarship being taken up.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 18 September 2024


Old Girls' Association Year 9 Sporting Scholarship

To support a Year 9 student to take up a sporting opportunity that would not otherwise be available to her. This may be in the form of playing a new sport or to extend herself in a sport in which she already shows promise.


$1 000 ($500 pa for 2 years). Reviewable annually and contingent on the recipient continuing to meet the agreed standards.

  • Applicants must be on the enrolled list for the following year as a Year 9 student.
  • The Scholarship is subject to annual reviews of the recipient’s progress.

The decision to award the Scholarship will be made by the Principal and a panel of representatives from the Old Girls Association. The recipient will be announced the year prior to the Scholarship being taken up.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 18 September 2024


Old Girls' Association Year 11 Sporting Scholarship

To support or recognise a Year 11 student who is excelling in her chosen sport.


$1 500 ($500 pa for 3 years). Reviewable annually and contingent on the recipient continuing to meet the agreed standards.


• Applicants must be on the enrolled list for the following year as a Year 11 student.
• The Scholarship is subject to annual reviews of the recipient’s progress.


The decision to award the Scholarship will be made by the Principal and a panel of representatives from the Old Girls Association. The recipient will be announced at Prize-giving at the end of the year prior to the Scholarship being taken up.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 18 September 2024


Old Girls' Association - Mary Louisa Cartwright Cultural Year 9 Scholarship

To support a Year 9 student to take up a cultural opportunity that would not otherwise be available to her. This may be in the form of learning a new instrument/participating in a new cultural group or to extend herself in an area in which she already shows promise.


$1 000 ($500 pa for 2 years). Reviewable annually and contingent on the recipient continuing to meet the agreed standards.

  • Applicants must be on the enrolled list for the following year.
  • The Scholarship is subject to annual reviews of the recipient’s progress.

The decision to award the Scholarship will be made by the Principal and a panel of representatives from the Old Girls Association. The recipient will be announced the year prior to the Scholarship being taken up.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 18 September 2024


Old Girls' Association - Mary Louisa Cartwright Cultural Year 11 Scholarship

To reward a Year 11 student who has already made a contribution to the cultural life of the School and/or has excelled in her chosen area of cultural performance.

  • $1 500 ($500 pa for 3 years). Reviewable annually and contingent on the recipient continuing to meet the agreed standards.
  • Applicants must be on the enrolled list for the following year as a Year 11 student.
  • The Scholarship is subject to annual reviews of the recipient’s progress.

The decision to award the Scholarship will be made by the Principal and a panel of representatives from the Old Girls Association. The recipient will be announced at Prize-giving at the end of the year prior to the Scholarship being taken up.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 18 September 2024


Richard Rayward Flying Scholarship

To be awarded annually to one student presently studying at Craighead to enable her to undertake flying lessons which might lead to her being able to qualify for solo flight.


This scholarship results from a trust fund established by Mr Richard Rayward, former Chairman and long serving member of the Board of Proprietors at Craighead.


Student currently studying at Craighead.


The decision to award the Scholarship is made by Mr Richard Rayward, Deputy Principal and the Principal. The recipient is announced at the end of year Prize-giving.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 30 October 2024


Maryann Ogden Scholarship

The Maryann Ogden Scholarship is to promote the study of secondary language learning through providing financial assistance to students travelling overseas to enhance their second language studies.


A cheque will be made payable to the successful student(s) when confirmation of flight bookings have been received by the School.  When a student(s) does not participate in the proposed trip the money will be returned to the Board of Proprietors and reinvested with the fund.

  • Second language means a language other than English
  • The Scholarship is awarded primarily to individual students, but in the years when there are no individual applicants for the scholarship, the interest earned for the scholarship may be allocated as fund raising for any Language Department organized group international travel.
  • Student to be studying a second language for NCEA at Craighead Diocesan School
  • Have a proven commitment to language study
  • Be required to demonstrate how they will benefit from the experience
  • Be continuing their second language studies on their return to School

The decision to award the Scholarship will be made by a selection panel made up of the Chairman of the Board of Proprietors, the Head of Languages and the Principal. The panel’s decision will be final and in its sole judgement. The recipient will be announced at the end of year Prize-giving.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 30 October 2024


Susan Lynne Williams Scholarship

To be awarded to one or more students at senior level (Year 11 and above) in the School who are returning to school in the following year, to take part in an extra-curricular activity which may promote independence, creativity, leadership and /or adventure.


The level of financial assistance may vary. The number of scholarships awarded annually will be left to the discretion of the selection panel. The number of scholarship(s) awarded annually will ensure that the award is of significant value to the recipient(s).

  • Student applicants must be Year 11 and above
  • The Scholarship must be undertaken the following year
  • The Scholarship may be awarded retrospectively for an activity a student has taken part in earlier in the year of the award.
  • Contribution to the school in sport, culture and leadership will be taken into account, together with qualities of character such as self discipline and willingness to work within the parameters of the School’s rules and towards the School’s ideals.
  • Indicators of the type of activities may include:
    • Spirit of Adventure voyages
    • Outward Bound
    • Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award journeys
    • Drama, Dance or Music opportunities
    • Conservation or social action programmes with needy causes
    • Exchange programmes
    • Other individual sport/cultural/community opportunities.

The decision to award the Scholarship is at the discretion of the Principal and will be made by the Principal, the Deputy Principal and the Chairman of the Board of Proprietors, or his nominee. The recipient will be announced at Prize-giving at the end of the year.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 30 October 2024


Carroll Benge Music Scholarship

This Scholarship is provided from a legacy to the School by Mrs Carroll Benge, former Principal of Craighead Diocesan School.  The Scholarship is to enable a student to continue with her music studies, while at Craighead.

  • This scholarship is held for one year only.
  • Accounts for up to $500 may be forwarded to the School for payment in the year for which the scholarship is given.
  • The funds may be used for any tuition or item which the selection committee considers to be the promotion and development of music at the school
  • Applicants may be in Year 7 to Year 12 and must be intending to return to Craighead in the year in which the Scholarship will be received.
  • The decision to award the Scholarship is at the discretion of the Senior Management Team and the Teacher in Charge of Music.
  • The award maybe based on a performance at the Music Cup held each year at Craighead.
  • The recipient of the Scholarship will be announced at the end of year Prize-giving.

Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School and to be received no later than 30 October 2024


Year 13 Scholarship

This Scholarship is provided by funds raised from Year 13 Leavers’ Balls.  The Scholarship is to reward a student who has already made a contribution to the life of the School and shown a commitment to taking responsibility for her own academic learning.  The scholarship is to enable her to complete her schooling at Craighead, while preparing for tertiary studies.

  • One Term’s Parent Contribution and Attendance Dues will be paid.
  • Student applicants must have successfully completed Year 12 at Craighead the previous year and be intending to undertake tertiary studies when they leave school.
  • Previous contribution to the life of the School in sport, culture and leadership will all be taken into account, together with academic achievement in NCEA, academic potential and qualities of character.
  • Financial need may also be taken into consideration. Parents should inform the Board where the latter is applicable.

The decision to award the Scholarship is at the discretion of the Principal and will be made by the Principal, the Deputy Principal and the Chairman of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association.  The recipient is announced at the Commissioning Service in February each year.


Should be made on the online generic application form which is submitted, upon completion, confidentially to the Principal’s Personal Assistant at Craighead Diocesan School. Applications: the deadline date for applications will be in February 2025, but the actual February date is to be advertised in December 2024.